Clear Bright Future: A radical defence of the human being, was published by Allen Lane in May 2019. In it I defend the idea of radical humanism in the face of algorithmic control, artificial intelligence and enforced, performative market behaviour. I argue that free-market economics were a gateway drug to a widespread anti-humanistic and fatalist culture in the early 21st century. The revolution we need to break free will feel less like a political event, more like the rediscovery of moral philosophy.
The book contains my definitive critique of orthodox Marxism, attacking Marx’s refusal to engage in moral philosophy, and drawing inspiration from the writings of the Catholic philosopher Alasdair Macintyre. It says:
“There is a lot to criticize in Marx’s work. But his core idea – that humanity as a species is biologically capable of setting itself free through technological innovation, self-transformation and work – has to form the basis of a twenty-first-century radical humanism.”
To order the book click here. Foreign language editions include: German (Suhrkamp Verlag); Dutch (De Bezige Bij); Italian (Il Saggiatore); Spanish (Paidos)